Portable 2 bedroom and self-contained detached house plan

This 2-bedroom house plan with a detached self-contained apartment is design to suit anyone that wants a moderated house design concepts and an extra room that will function as a separate apartment for relatives or for commercial purposes.

The entrance to the two-bedroom apartment is at the front while for the self-contained entrance is located at the right-hand side of the apartment to make it more private for the user.

As you approach this portable house design apartment, the first place you step your foot on is the entrance sit out, from this point you have the visitor toilet by your left-hand side and directly in front of you, you can access the door to the main lounge area.

The main lounge has a dinning area connected to it, you can have access to the kitchen from the dinning area, while from the main lounge you can connect to a lobby that gives you access to the two-master bedroom and the kitchen. The kitchen is big enough for a two-bedroom apartment, it has a veranda and a small store.

All the bedrooms in this portable house design concepts have their own private toilet and bathroom with a wardrobe space which is not connected to the bedroom space.

The self-contained apartment is design as the third room with standard room size but disconnected from the other two rooms so that it can serve or function as a stand-alone apartment, it has a kitchen space, a toilet and bathroom, front and kitchen veranda and a wardrobe space.


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