This portable 4 bedroom bungalow is design for both private and commercial purpose, all the rooms are en suite .
it can fit into half plot of land and you still have parking space for just a car. it has a guest room which is disconnected from the rest 3 rooms for security reasons.
The main lounge is big enough and is connected to the dinning and the kitchen area. Need the floor plan just let me know.
Contact planmarket
Can I see the interior designs. I would also love to know how much it would cost to get the entire designs to build the house from start to finish.
Can I see the interior designs. I would also love to know how much it would cost to get the entire designs to build the house from start to finish.
Hello korede,
Welcome to Nigeria House Plan Market and thank you for making out time on one of our site.
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for this exact this house plan
Can I see the interior designs. I would also love to know how much it would cost to get the entire designs to build the house from start to finish
Hello Adeniyi,
Welcome to House Plan Market and thank you for making time on one of our sites.
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for custom house design discussion on this house plan
I love the house.
So how can I see the floor plan and how much it will cost me to build the house to this same standard.
Hello Mkpur Terkula,
Welcome to House Plan Market and thank you for making time on one of our sites.
Please connect us through our what’s app link
for custom house design discussion on this house plan
Please Sir or madam, can I see the interior design
Am a your lady who’s trying to build her life with her partner I came across this photo and I love it.
Hello Esther Daffeh,
Welcome to House Plan Market and thank you for making time on one of our sites.
Please connect us through our what’s app link
for custom house design discussion on this house plan